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Services : Professional : Oil & Gas

This is a specific insurance cover for operators in the Energy and Gas Sector. Technically, it is insurance against loss or damage which an operator in the Energy and Gas sector may suffer as a result of the operation of some specific perils. losses may be in the form of material damage or operators liability to members of the public or losses arising from business interruption following material damage or machinery breakdown. In view of the high-risk exposure, we recommend operator of the perils should have full insurance cover extended to cover the following: Operators Extra Expenses, Control of Well, Re-drilling Expenses, Sewage pollution, Clean-up and Containment.

Legal Liability: General Third Party Liability, Product Liability, Charters Liability, Wharfingers Liability, Stevedores Liability and Terminal Depot Liability.

Operator's Liability: Debris Removal and Well Footages.

Assets to be covered include Onshore and Offshore Properties and these are;
Onshore Properties

  • Refineries
  • Petrochemical Plants
  • Pumping and Metering Stations
  • Storage Depots Products including crude oil
  • Stocks
  • Gas gathering system and gas processing companies' property

Offshore Properties

  • Platforms and Pipelines
  • Mobile drilling barges
  • Vessel craft
  • Construction work
  • Liabilities


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